Posts Tagged: savings

Home Decor & Giveaway

The more homes I visit, the more I realize that everyone has their own decorating style. Some are minimalist, some have every available space covered, some are in between. Some people like to display treasures from their life, others go for fine art/stylish decor. I love seeing how others decorate. My personal style is somewhere in between: I have to have something every so often, or the space stares at me obnoxiously until I do something. I mostly like to display memories and pictures of people that are important to me. I also like to change out some of my decorations seasonally – I got this from my mom, an amazing decorator. By far, the most decorations I have are Christmas, but I am working on building up other seasons.

Since I have two little kids, I like some of my decorations to be play-able, like this Easter basket with eggs.

While I don’t love cleaning up eggs constantly, it only lasts a little while, and the kids enjoy it because it is a “new” toy that is only out for a limited time.

My spring decor has been a little lacking, so I was super excited when I recently got this darling wood lettering (very top picture) from Brookies Woods. She makes custom decor, you can check her out at From now until May 17, 2017, email her and use my coupon code Black25 to get 25% off your order. Additionally, she is giving away a FREE custom design of the winners choice. To enter, all you have to do is like and follow her instagram brookieswoods and tag two friends on my instagram giveaway post here. For every two friends you tag, you get an entry.

What’s your decorating style, and how do you keep your more fragile stuff safe from little hands?