Posts By Megan

Big Helper, Little Helper: How to Get Little Ones to Help with Chores

child helping with chores

From a very young age, my daughter showed interest in doing whatever I was doing. I think most kids do. As soon as they learn how to move, they follow mommy or daddy around constantly. Then, when they learn to talk, you get the “what’s that?” question or the “what you doing?” My daughter recently upgraded to the “what do you think you doing?” This is how we sometimes teasingly ask her if she’s doing something she’s not supposed to. But she just says it to find out what we really are doing.

Well, what is mom doing 75% of the time? Answer: housework. Washing dishes, putting dishes away, sweeping the floor, vacuuming, washing, drying, and putting away laundry, picking up toys; the list goes on.

When my daughter first wanted to help, I was reluctant. It was so much faster to do it myself. But then I realized two things A) she’s not always going to want to help, so I should take advantage of it, and B) if I teach her, she will get good at it.

Whatever chore I am doing, if she wants to help, I let her. So far her favorites are laundry and dishes. I let her take the clothes out of the dryer and put them on my bed for sorting, push the wet clothes into the dryer (I pull them from the washer and drop them on the door), put the dryer sheet in, push the button on the washer, and close the closet doors.

For dishes, I let her put the spoons, forks and measuring cups in the dishwasher, push the start button, and put the clean forks and spoons in the drawer.

Bonus: she actually likes these chores so much, I can use them to distract her from something else. “You wanna watch Frozen for the hundredth time, how about you help me with dishes instead?” And it works!

A month or two ago we started teaching her to put her shoes away as soon as we got home, and the other day she did it without me asking. I was so proud!

She also likes to push buttons (if you couldn’t tell from the laundry and dishes stories) so she also gets to open and close the garage door (with our help) if we are leaving or when we come back.

I only have one kid who can help, so I don’t know if this will work with every kid, but here are some tips for keeping kids interested in chores.

  • If they ask to help, ALWAYS find a way. I’ve been working on a diy rug (info to come) and even though she can’t help with the cutting, or even roll the fabric into a ball herself, I sit her in my lap and guide her hands.
  • Say please and thank you. Your child will pick up your good manners, and it’s important to remember that they are a person too; everyone appreciates recognition for their efforts.
  • If you assign them a job or chore, be consistent. For example, it is now my daughter’s job to put her shoes away when we get home. I help her take them off, and she puts them away. If she doesn’t want to, I reminder her that it’s her job and that she can do it. If she still doesn’t, I let her know that I will do it but then we won’t have time to read stories before nap/bed, or something else she wants to do. I’ve only had to do that once, and she chooses to put her shoes away.

Here is a list of chores little kids can do:

  • Help with dishes
  • Help with laundry
  • Throw things away
  • Close (possibly open) doors
  • Pick up toys/books and put them away (depending on your set up)
  • Get a diaper/binky/wipes case (extremely helpful when you have a baby and a toddler)
  • Push garage button, or other buttons
  • Dust (I haven’t tried this one yet, but I’ve read you put a sock on their hands and let them go)
  • Putting clothes in the laundry basket
  • Carry in groceries (small, light bags)
  • Sweep (not one I let her do, I really need to)

In my opinion, having a helper makes housework not so bad. Especially when she tells me “good job, mama”, or is really excited and says “I did it”, or, my favorite, when she tells herself good job. Now I just need to find a way to have her help clean the bathroom…

The Icky Things Nobody Tells You About Motherhood

baby diaper onesie 02

Being a parent to small children includes many encounters with bodily fluids, usually not your own.

Before my son was born, I was dreading getting peed on. The way it’s talked about, I expected it to be a daily thing. In fact, this was the reason I wanted a girl first. That wasn’t such a good call. My daughter wasted little time. I’ll never forget the doctor holding her up to show me, and then exclaiming “she peeing on me!” Then she shot poop at me when she was only 12 days old. Seems she missed the memo that only boys were supposed to make messes on mommy.

On the other hand, at 3 months I can count the number of times my little boy has peed on me on one hand. And here’s the best part: the first time was when he was two weeks. He did, however, make target practice of the warmer at the hospital, shooting it within minutes of his birth. This boy’s got range, he’s just considerate when it comes to spraying his mom.

Back to the poop. Over the course of your child’s first years, you will change hundreds, if not thousands, of diapers, and some of it is going to get on your hand. There’s no way around it. Just clean up, scrub good and get yourself a treat.

Then there are sneezes. It’s bad enough having that cute little face blow; sometimes you can actually see the germs fly all over. Then you get your darling waddling over to show you something, the pause, and then, to your utter horror, they release that sucker all over you, possibly into your mouth (I didn’t sign up for THIS!)

If you’ve got a new baby, we can’t forget the spit up. You’ve pretty much got two options: A) smell like baby spit and milk all day, every day or B) keep one foot in the shower, and watch that laundry pile up. Everyone says your laundry increases with a baby; they just don’t tell you that half of it is your own, from all the fluids you get to be a mop for.

On the bright side, there is one fluid of babies you don’t get to clean up: blood. Babies don’t have much opportunity to bleed, thankfully. If your baby bleeds regularly, you might be doing something wrong. But don’t worry, you’ll likely get to clean up your own, or your two-year olds. “I said NO jumping on the couch.”

Its Friday and we’re back!!!

Ok, so I took a hiatus for most of last year while I grew and birthed my little boy. Now we are back and ready for action! Follow us for mommy humor, tips, craft ideas, general merriment, and more. Don’t forget to check out our shop, which will be growing (we will post new product updates on the blog). Also, if there is anything you want to see, feel free to let us know. Happy Friday!